Navigating the Structure of a Blazor Project

Blazor, a feature of ASP.NET Core, allows developers to build interactive web user interfaces with C#. Leveraging both server-side and client-side (WebAssembly) models, Blazor enables rich, responsive applications without relying on JavaScript. This blog post delves into the typical structure of a Blazor project, highlighting the purpose and function of main files and directories, to provide a foundational understanding for developers venturing into Blazor development.

Creating a Blazor Project

When you create a new Blazor project, whether it's a Blazor Server or Blazor WebAssembly app, Visual Studio or the .NET CLI scaffolds a project with a specific structure. This structure organizes the application's assets, components, and code files into logical directories, facilitating development and maintenance.

Key Directories and Files

Here's a rundown of the essential directories and files in a Blazor project and their roles:

1. /wwwroot

  • This directory contains static assets like images, JavaScript, and CSS files. These assets are publicly accessible and can be referenced in your application.

2. /Pages

  • Blazor applications are component-based, and the /Pages directory typically holds the routable components (or "pages") of your application. Each component in this directory can be navigated to via a URL.

3. /Shared

  • The /Shared directory contains components that are reused across different parts of the application, such as layout components (MainLayout.razor), navigation (NavMenu.razor), and other shared components.

4. /Components

  • While not present by default in the project template, a /Components directory is commonly added to organize non-page components that can be used within other components or pages.

5. _Imports.razor

  • This file is used to include common namespaces across your Blazor components, reducing the need to add @using directives in every component.

6. App.razor

  • The root component of your Blazor application. It sets up routing for the application and typically includes the <Router> component to enable navigation between pages.

7. Program.cs (Blazor Server) or Main.cs (Blazor WebAssembly)

  • This is the entry point of the application. In Blazor Server applications, it configures the server and sets up dependency injection. In Blazor WebAssembly apps, it initializes the WebAssembly host.

8. Startup.cs (Blazor Server)

  • Contains startup configuration for the app, including services added to the DI container, middleware configuration, and more. This file is not present in Blazor WebAssembly apps, as they use Program.cs for configuration.

Understanding Blazor Components

Blazor components, typically defined in .razor files, are the building blocks of a Blazor app. They can represent pages, layouts, or reusable UI elements. Components can include:

  • HTML markup for rendering the component.
  • Razor syntax (@code blocks) for adding C# code, handling events, and managing state.
  • Data annotations for form validation.
  • Dependency injection to use services defined in the application's service container.

Component Lifecycle Methods

Blazor components offer lifecycle methods such as OnInitializedAsync, OnParametersSetAsync, and OnAfterRenderAsync, which you can override to execute code at specific points in a component's lifecycle.


Understanding the structure of a Blazor project and the purpose of its main files and directories is crucial for effectively navigating and developing Blazor applications. By familiarizing yourself with the components, lifecycle methods, and organization of a Blazor project, you can harness the full power of this framework to build dynamic and interactive web applications with C#. Whether you're working on a Blazor Server or Blazor WebAssembly project, this knowledge lays the foundation for efficient and scalable app development in the .NET ecosystem.



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